Moronicle Reader Testimony

On Friday, March 23, the Chronicle ran a piece by Emily Green of the Los Angeles Times, writing:
As Paul Brown, chairman of the FDA's specialist committee on spongy-brain diseases, recently put it: "There are more suicides among farmers whose herds have been slaughtered in France than there are cases of BSE (madcow)."

Apart from misediting Dr. Brown's prename (sic), the amazing thing is thisentire sentence is a LIE, in that Ms. Green, when confronted by me to provide background substance to Dr. Brown's take, now denies writing the sentence. And, in fact, no such take is within the version of her column which ran in the Los Angeles Times.

I insert from her email to me: Dear Mr ******, Thank you for writing. I did not edit the version you refer to in the Houston Chronicle, nor am I aware of its format. I did not and do not play down the severity of the mad cow epidemic, in cattle or people. I have dedicated years to the subject, two of them to the campaign for the inquiry that achieved the settlement for most of the 94 human victims.

Unbelievable. Out-and-out rewriting of copyright copy to support the talk-radio drivel position.

Today, again, the Chronicle runs an almost identical take, by Bonnie Erbe, as to "relax and eat meat, because only worry can hurt you." Never mind the cattle industry in Texas. Never mind the demographics of the cattle industry in Texas (solidly undereducated talk-radio Bush Republicans).
For the record, there were three apparent suicides of farmers in the United Kingdom during the past 20 years which some claim were the result of losses due to Mad Cow disease. There is now a long trail of absolutely fabricated statements by Tories in Britain and Republicans in the United States, claiming scores of farmer suicides across Europe. It is a known and agenda-driven lie.


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